Our Program
Social & Behavioral Skill Based Focus
Individualized Functional Behavioral Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans are implemented to help students reduce adverse behaviors by increasing positive behaviors. Our curriculum focuses on teaching and reinforcing appropriate behaviors.
"Children are apt to live up to what you believe of them"
-Lady Bird Johnson
Evidence-Based Academic and Social Skill Interventions
Varied, individualized academic and social skill interventions and programs are utilized to meet diverse student needs. Applied Behavior Analysis strategies are implemented based on student need.
High-Quality Related Services
Students at Discovery Schools receive related services from highly trained and skilled practitioners. Services are provided in accordance with IEP's and include Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and counseling services
Other Services Provided (as needed)
Life Skills: real-life hands-on experiences
Physical Therapy
Individual and Group Therapy
Community-Based Vocational Instruction (CBVI)
Occupational Therapy
Speech and Language Therapy (including Augmentative Communication and picture exchange communications as needed)